Friday, September 6, 2019


I confess...

Every time we go on a ride I want to keep this page up to date for those of you who don't use social media (I have much respect for      you) However, after riding a bunch of miles, scrambling to get the tent set up, helping make the meal and clean up that I'm pretty much ready for bed!

Here's the plan. In a couple weeks we will start the trip over on the blog. I will do my best to give you the best picture of how each day went. Here are the important things.

We are riding the Ohio to Erie Trail.
We started Monday September 2nd and will end Saturday September 7.
Our goal is to raise $10,000.
100% of the donations will go down to the Dominican Republic (except for the wiring fee).
-Your money doesn't pay for food
-doesn't pay for camping
-no bike stuff either
-not even a massage at the end of the ride.

We love The Center in the Dominican Republic and want you to love it to. The best way to do that is through relationship. We hope to share our relationship with you over time. If you ever have questions please ask.

Here's how you can give

If you find the giving page confusing this video can help.

Thanks for following us. Thanks for cheering us on.

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