Hey all, we are ready to ride and want to share with you our vision for this trip. Over the last 8 years we have been committed to supporting a Church in Santiago, Dominican Republic through bicycle rides. We hope to partner with them in ministry and support the work they are doing. In the last several years, through the money you have given, they have built a kitchen, put in functioning restrooms for mission teams to come and work, supported the salaries of teachers, built a church building for a deaf community in which to worship, and last year we had the opportunity to finish the deaf worship center.
The Project:
This year we want to finish the building. Part of the reason there are two worship centers on this site is so a group of deaf brothers and sisters in Christ can worship while those who can hear worship in another area. This allows for the children (who are all hearing) to sit together and learn from Sunday school teachers about the greatness of our God. The building we are working on used to contain walls for the school that is no more. In the past couple years the walls have been destroyed by bugs and they felt it best to remove them. With the influx of children there is a need for walls once again and really just a finished area. There are also some things in the works for the future... but we will discuss them perhaps in years to come.

So here's the deal. To replace the walls and finish the floors and ceilings of these rooms will cost some money... $240,000... in Dominican Pesos. That's $6,000 in US dollars. We can do this.
The Plan:
The plan on our end is to ride approximately 450 miles from Hastings, Minnesota down to Keithsburg, Illinois. During this ride we hope to "bring you along" on our bike ride and share more about what is happening in the Dominican Republic through this amazing ministry. In the past many have sponsored a mile or two... or ten. With a need of $6,000, and 5 riders going 450 miles to sponsor a mile would be only $2.67! What a deal! That would be a rate of $13.33 for the family to ride one mile. Whether you give by the mile or give another way, we will accept it and send it all to this project in the Dominican Republic.
To give you can go to THIS LINK. On this page you can scroll down till you see the words "Add Other Account." Click on this and select "Ride for the Dominican" at the bottom then you are set! If you have any questions we will be happy to answer them.
Commonly Asked Questions:
How much of my money goes to the Dominican Republic? Aside from a wiring fee which is usually $50, EVERY PENNY goes to the Dominican Republic.
Will my donation be tax deductible? Yes
How much money does Veritas get from the donations? $0 (Thank you Veritas)
How much of my money goes toward camping, bike repair, food etc? $0
What do I do if I am not comfortable giving online? Write a check payable to Veritas Church and write "Ride for the Dominican" in the memo. You can send your check to 509 3rd Ave SE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
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